Chapter 14 - Panikhida for the Departed

On the Order for the Departed

It is proper to know how to conduct the service for the departed.

On Friday Evening, After the End of Vespers:

The priest, vested in a phelonion, and the deacon in a sticharion, take the censer and incense and go to the narthex, led by the sacristan with a candle, followed by us. When they reach the narthex where the koliva (memorial wheat) is prepared, the deacon says: "Bless, Master."

[At other times, besides Vespers or Matins, it begins as usual: we chant the Trisagion, and after the Lord’s Prayer: the priest exclaims: "For Thine is the kingdom": Then, "Lord, have mercy," 12 times: "Glory, both now and ever: Come, let us worship," three times: and Psalm 90.]